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John Wegenhoft

Wegenhoft, John
John Wegenhoft
Employee Development Department Head, TFS


John Wegenhoft has led Texas A&M Forest Service’s employee development department for nine years. His staff supports agency headquarters and field offices and Texas A&M AgriLife human resources with personnel in-processing and administration, institutional safety, required training and committee leadership. Wegenhoft also manages leadership and employee development.

Wegenhoft retired from the U.S. Army as a lieutenant colonel in 2013 after 26 years of service. As an artillery officer, he served overseas and stateside preparing and leading soldiers for actions in tactical environments. His early tours included wartime command in Southwest Asia, armistice watch in Northeast Asia, and tactical unit leader and trainer stateside. Later as a strategic intelligence officer, Wegenhoft led staff elements within headquarters of joint and multinational forces leading and serving alongside service members of all branches, of foreign militaries, and with Department of Defense and Department of State civilians. His academic education includes Joint Military Intelligence College’s Post Graduate Intelligence Program, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, and other NATO, defense, joint and service-related schools and courses. Wegenhoft holds the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, and other medals and ribbons.