- Aaron Tarone
- Professor, Entomology
Aaron Tarone, Ph.D., has worked in the Department of Entomology since 2009. Tarone is the director of the accredited forensic and investigative sciences major and an associate department head for undergraduate education and part of the academic leadership for the Center for Advanced Research in Forensic Science. He is currently the principal investigator of a federal legislative community improvement project for funding, targeted at enhancing and improving forensic science education, research and training at Texas A&M.
He was awarded the 2022 Dean’s Outstanding Achievement Award for Administration and has thrice been elected professor of the year by entomology/forensic and investigative sciences undergraduates. Tarone earned a bachelor’s in genetics from the University of California, Davis, and a doctorate in zoology from Michigan State University. He did his postdoctoral research in the Molecular and Computational Biology program at the University of Southern California.