I’m happy to announce the appointment of Dr. Kim Dooley as Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, effective Sept. 1.
Dr. Dooley has prior administrative experience, having served as Associate Dean for Academic Operations. She is a nationally and internationally recognized professor in the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications.
Dr. Dooley has been recognized as a Food Systems Leadership Institute Fellow by the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities. She has received a distinguished teaching award from the Association of Former Students at Texas A&M and is a Senior Fellow with the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, a Montague-Center for Teaching Excellence Scholar, and a U.S. Department of Agriculture Excellence in Teaching Award winner.
Her research accolades include the Distinguished Research Award (Southern Region) from the American Association for Agricultural Education.
I thank Dr. X. Ben Wu for his selfless, tireless service over the last four years as Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs. Dr. Wu is an award-winning administrator whose enthusiasm and engaging approach has helped move the College forward through several key initiatives and outreach. Dr. Wu will continue his service to our College as professor in the Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology.
Please join me in thanking Dr. Wu and welcoming Dr. Dooley to the leadership team.
Thank you!
Jeffrey W. Savell
Vice Chancellor and Dean, Agriculture and Life Sciences