Dr. Joseph Awika, our current head of the Department of Food Science and Technology, has accepted the position at Kansas State University as department head of grain science and industry and director of the International Grains Program Institute. His last day with us is August 16.
We are grateful for his contributions to Texas A&M AgriLife. He has served as department head since 2021; he served as professor and director of the Cereal Quality Lab in the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences from 2008 to 2021. He is also a former student of our College. Dr. Awika is world-renowned for his research in the application of food science and technology toward improving food security. During his tenure as department head, the Department of Food Science and Technology advanced its training, research and outreach programs, helping shape the future of food science and providing solutions in food security, quality and safety.
We will announce the next steps for filling Dr. Awika’s position once they are finalized.
Please join us in thanking Dr. Awika for his service,
Jeffrey W. Savell
Vice Chancellor and Dean, Agriculture and Life Sciences