With wildfires burning across Texas, and particularly devastating in the Panhandle, the upcoming National Employee Appreciation Day, March 1, strikes a deep chord in our hearts as many of our employees are responding to help.
The Panhandle is home to many Texas A&M AgriLife employees, former students and friends. The devastation to communities, producers and environment hits home for our agriculture and life sciences family.
I am overwhelmed by the service of two of our agencies — Texas A&M Forest Service and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service — that have mobilized for immediate support with the Texas Division of Emergency Management. In disasters like this, Texas A&M AgriLife’s work continues long after the last flames go out. We help producers, research new ways to prevent such occurrences, extend knowledge and assist in so many other ways.
To those of you on the front line who may be putting your life at risk or on hold, we are especially grateful for your service this week. To those who are supporting colleagues and neighbors, and finding ways to help communities, we thank you! We are keeping everyone affected by the wildfires in our thoughts and prayers.
According to our own Texas A&M Forest Service, more than 1 million acres have been damaged, particularly ranch land. Several Animal Supply Points are being set up through AgriLife Extension’s DAR program, and there are several other ways to help assist. You can learn more at this AgriLife Today article.
It’s at times like this that I am thankful for our Texas A&M core values, which for me are the foundation of everything we do. I also think of grit, of which we have plenty. When we all work together, we can improve tough situations in our own communities and all over the world. I am sorry that we must prepare to celebrate Employee Appreciation Day under the dark clouds of a natural disaster. Nevertheless, let me spell it out: we appreciate you greatly!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your commitment to Texans, our organization’s mission and each other.
Thank you for all you do.
Jeffrey W. Savell
Vice Chancellor and Dean, Agriculture and Life Sciences